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Event: A Christmas Victorian Parlour Evening

The Bath House The Bath House, Gwydir Street, Cambridge, Cambs, United Kingdom

Mill Road History Society’s annual festive get together with music, songs and stories, featuring musicians from the Cambridge Folk Club, and other entertainers. Booking is essential, please email to reserve your place. There is a suggested donation of £5 per person, payable on the door. The event takes place at the Bath House on Gwydir […]


Mill Road History Walk: Mostly Petersfield

Corner of Mortimer Road and Mill Road 642J+QV Cambridge, United Kingdom

Friends of Mill Road History the Mill Road Guides, who are all qualified Green Badge guides, are running two walking tours over New Year.

£8 – £10

Mill Road History Walk: Mostly Romsey

Corner of Cavendish Road and Mill Road 54XV+66 Cambridge, United Kingdom

Friends of Mill Road History the Mill Road Guides, who are all qualified Green Badge guides, are running two walking tours over New Year.

£8 – £10

Talk: Representing Cambridge – Anne Campbell

Ross Street Community Centre Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Anne Campbell, MP for Cambridge from 1992-2005, will talk about how she managed the important issues for the city.


Workshop: Who Lived Here?

The Bath House The Bath House, Gwydir Street, Cambridge, Cambs, United Kingdom

Mary Naylor will lead a beginner’s workshop about finding who lived in houses on Mill Road, where they came from and what they did. Please bring a laptop if you have one.We will be looking at ‘free to use’ websites and resources at the Cambridgeshire Archives and Cambridgeshire Collection. Booking required; this workshop is limited […]


Talk: Ginger Beer and Silicon Chips

Ross Street Community Centre Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

The curious tale of the building in Willis Road that has housed entrepreneurs, mineral water, typewriters, home computers and more.


Event: Louise Jordan – The Hard Way

St Barnabas Centre Old School Hall, St. Barnabas Church, Mill Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

A one-woman performance of live music and theatre by acclaimed singer and songwriter Louise Jordan, charting the rise of working-class suffragette Hannah Mitchell from a remote hilltop farm in the Derbyshire moorlands to Manchester city magistrate.

£8 – £10

AGM and Talk: From Vice to Virtue: The Cambridge Female Refuge

Ross Street Community Centre Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Susan Woodall talks about life inside for the women who passed through the doors of this moral reform institution. Preceded by the AGM.

Photo courtesy of the Cambridgeshire Collection.


Music: Na-Mara – The Story of the Basque Children

St Barnabas Centre Old School Hall, St. Barnabas Church, Mill Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

In May 1937, a month after the bombing of Guernica, 4,000 young children were evacuated from Bilbao to Southampton aboard the SS Habana. Through words and music, Rob Garcia (the son of a niño) and Paul McNamara will tell their story

£8 – £10