Barnwell-born but bound for glory: the forces that made Abbey United
ZoomUnfortunately this talk has had to be cancelled. We hope to be able to run it at a later date. Barnwell in the late 19th and early 20th centuries – […]
Unfortunately this talk has had to be cancelled. We hope to be able to run it at a later date. Barnwell in the late 19th and early 20th centuries – […]
Our next online event consists of our delayed AGM, followed by a Cambridge/Mill Road themed quiz, which all are invited to attend. 7:15pm: The Zoom room is open7:30pm: AGM, a […]
Claire Martinsen, member of the Friends of Mill Road Cemetery has a passion for local history and researching the stories within Mill Road Cemetery. She has researched and uploaded more than 250 stories on to the website and will share her favourite local stories with us in this talk