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Talk: Mackays – The History of a Local Store

Ross Street Community Centre Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Duncan Mackay describes exciting projects and turbulent times for one of Cambridge’s favourite family businesses. The story starts in Scotland, via East Road, Cambridge and a deal with wheelwright firm Alsop & Sons in 1912, and reaches as far as Los Angeles. The firm has been involved in several major 20th century developments, including the […]


Talk: Courtship and Engagement in Victorian England

Ross Street Community Centre Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Maggie Kalenak will talk about love, courtship and engagement in nineteenth century England, considering sources such as love letters, diaries, etiquette manuals, periodicals, novels and the stories of individual couples. For middle-class Victorians finding a spouse was a highly ritualised and high-stakes process.


Talk: Town vs. gown – Social divides in Cambridgeshire antiquarian life

Ross Street Community Centre Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Mariel Rodriguez explores how the 1830s national revival of interest in antiquarianism and archaeology was initially dominated by the University in Cambridge, until residents like Frederick Leach and C. H. Evelyn White created their own advocacy spaces. By the 20th century the non-university antiquarian society was at the forefront of national preservation debates.


Workshop: Who Lived Here?

The Bath House The Bath House, Gwydir Street, Cambridge, Cambs, United Kingdom

We are sorry but this event has been cancelled. We hope to reschedule it for later in the year. This page will be updated when a new date has been fixed. Mary Naylor leads another beginners workshop to find out who lived in houses in the past, where they came from and what they did. […]


AGM and VE Day ‘Bring an object, tell a story’

Ross Street Community Centre Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

We are sorry but this event has been cancelled. We hope to reschedule it for later in the year. This page will be updated when a new date has been fixed. The society's Annual General Meeting plus a special event to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day To mark the 75th Anniversary of VE […]


VE Day ‘Show an object, tell a story’

Ross Street Community Centre Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

We would like to invite you to join us for a digital history event. In memory of the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, we will be hosting an online "bring an object, tell a story" event. We are looking for Second World War objects with an interesting five minute (or less!) story attached. A Mill Road […]


Talk: Stories from Mill Road Cemetery

Ross Street Community Centre Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Claire Martinsen, member of the Friends of Mill Road Cemetery has a passion for local history and researching the stories within Mill Road Cemetery. She has researched and uploaded more than 250 stories on to the website and will share her favourite local stories with us in this talk


AGM and Quiz

Our next online event consists of our delayed AGM, followed by a Cambridge/Mill Road themed quiz, which all are invited to attend. 7:15pm: The Zoom room is open7:30pm: AGM, a short review of the year from our chair, Lucy Walker, a look ahead, and an opportunity for anyone to ask questions.7:45pm: The quiz begins. If […]
